Hartmut Birr wrote:
I've problems with the paged pool routines and if the optimisation is
enabled. Ros does crash. It seems that the line numbers for ppool.c
are wrong.
Would you please e-mail me your ntoskrnl.sym file you experienced this
on, please? Anyways, look up the offset in your ntoskrnl.map file until
I get this fixed to find out where it actually bombed out.
- Hartmut
KeBugCheckWithTf at ke/catch.c:180
Bug detected (code 1e param 0 0 0 0)
Page Fault Exception: 14(0)
Processor: 0 CS:EIP 8:80044769 <ntoskrnl.exe: 44769 (mm/ppool.c:292
cr2 4 cr3 29f000 Proc: 805e2068 Pid: 1 <SYSTEM> Thrd: 805e2c40 Tid: 1
DS 10 ES 10 FS 30 GS 10
EAX: 00000004 EBX: 8cdd593c ECX: 00000000
EDX: 00000004 EBP: 800a9a80 ESI: 8cdd593c ESP: 800a9a04
EDI: 00000002 EFLAGS: 00210202 kESP 800a9a04 kernel stack base 800a7000
<ntoskrnl.exe: 44efc (mm/ppool.c:596 (RFreeSplit))>
<ntoskrnl.exe: 4557d (mm/ppool.c:505 (ExAllocatePagedPoolWithTag))>
<ntoskrnl.exe: 44019 (mm/pool.c:63 (EiAllocatePool))>
<ntoskrnl.exe: b6fc (ke/main.c:863 (KiSystemStartup))>
<8007849F> <ntoskrnl.exe: 1140
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