I'm not really sure what you expect anyone to say. There's thousands of things that need doing, we can't start listing everything.

Contrary to your beliefs, we aren't available to walk every interested person through the process of working out what they are interested in, what their skill set allows and what they can work on. This is something developers work out for themselves.

The general rule is 'you can work on anything that interests you'. Everything needs work, there's virtually no module that's complete.


If someone came along and said "I'm

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 12:40 PM, victor martinez <vicmarcal@hotmail.com> wrote:
Then,Aleksey,as Coordinator,May you suggest any area,or any task,that we do really need to have done,and that Sudhir can help in?
All of you were saying that you like the sincerity.Ok,this is my small point of sincerity about this situation(jump it if you wish):

I´m really worried about finding that this team is unable to tell him a small list of possible tasks to be accomplished,or even more, just ONE.

If i recall correctly one of the points we are interested in,is introducing ReactOS in the University,so students get interested in helping ROS for their Career Projects,and maybe continuing here as Developers when finishing their studies.
How are we going to do that when we arent able to write a List of Concise Tasks??Are we going to lose the opportunity of introducing ReactOS in Sudhir University, so maybe we can create a relationship with that University and his Teacher for future PR??

OKAY. Sudhir,give a look to this page: http://www.reactos.org/wiki/Missing_ReactOS_Functionality It is maybe quite general, but i hope maybe you can find an interesting place to work in.
I´m quite dissapointed with finding that Testers(thanks Elhoir,thanks Gabriel) are trying to give answers to this guy from our limited knowledge,while our Devs still remains in the most complete silence.And the few Devs that have answered were just to say a "No,No" instead a "No,no,but you can try to implement XXXX".Discouraging instead Redirecting. Quite interesting to discover that People here tends towards answering Dramas instead Helping the project.

We are in 0.3.11, we want to reach 1.0, that means (1.0-0.3.X=)0.7 releases-full-of-implementations ahead.Can´t we tell him just ONE of them?

Swallow the sincerity as you wish or throw it to the Delete folder ignoring that something has to change here for the Project Welfare.

Best regards and hammering yours..

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