On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Rob van der Most <Rob.van.der.Most@online.nl> wrote:
This causes quite some problems on XP x64 edition. I have some
directories containing \Program Files (x86)\ in my path, so RosBE won't
start correctly. Anyone knows how to fix this?

I've spent a couple of minutes trying to get RosBE going again here. I'm using Vista 64, so I have a similar issue with the (x86) in my paths.

It looks like editing a few of the RosBE cmd files and adding quotes around any place the %PATH% variable at least partially solves the problem. I added quotes around the following to get the RosBE window up and running:



This might be a good place to start. I still can't get ROS to build due to ccache errors (maybe they are related?), but at least the environment and makex seem to work after this fix.

Lee Baker
Lee C. Baker