Dear ReactOS Developers,
I apologize for taking these extra ordinary steps in this matter but I
could not locate another way of bringing this issue to attention on your
I was in the IRC channel on the 11th July '06 from about 3am to 5am
GMT... I was posing some very interesting and fundamental questions
about how the project began, it's direction. I was pleased that after a
few minutes most of the users had agreed that ReactOS is intending to be
much more than just NT compatible but in a sense 'Windows + Better'.
After this there was many hours of discussion of how to make it more
than just a windows clone, many of such involving the idea of ReactOS
being similar to Linux in some senses and how to get a Linux feel while
maintaining windows compatibility.
Near the end of the log (I hope these are saved, I have no copies
myself) an 'Alex_Ionescu' joined in on the conversation. He had many
interesting views that greatly heightened the debate to whether ReactOS
should intend to be more than windows now, or at a later date. I was
for the view that in order to gain a user base quicker that it must at
least intent to be more than a clone and was trying to illustrate why.
I first tried to illustrate this and got shot down due to my poor
phrasing of what I meant.
I tried to rephrase my point, and I began with a sentence talking about
firefox as a metaphor of another great piece of floss software. I was
interrupted by Alex_Ionescu (whom is an op in that channel) who told me
i 'must' state my reason using a single statement only and began quoting
regulations of the English language and structuring a proper argument...
so many regulations in fact i feel even if I did comply it would be
difficult to fit it in one statement.
I decided to wait until Alex_Ionescu had given up on such a silly and
clear attempt at limiting my free speech in this matter. However he
persisted to want to know what my point was on this matter, when trying
again... he shut me down. Eventually he set the entire channel to
moderated status only so only those he selected could discuss the
matter. Apparently this was until I could phrase my argument using just
one statement.
I waited until this was lifted and it was not, eventually I came back...
spoke Spanish and under another nick! Granted this was to yet again
give my point across... instead of this they knew who I was and quickly
identified me. A silly tactic I know, but having done this I was
quickly misquoted in the channel from my conversation with Alex_Ionescu
about things I was trying to explain to him as well as very childish
remarks as tho I had said "I love cock". I have high hopes for this
project and wish it every success, I had a very enlightened experience
up until meeting this person with the arguments put and listened and
responded to them well. Alex_Ionescu on the other hand obviously has no
understanding of what it means to express oneself freely, and it would
seem has a childish nature too.
I ask that the decision to give this person power of the level of
communication about the project in the channel be reviewed as quickly as
possible in light of these or other past events.
Thank you,
Steven Maddox