I didn't get this message at all.
Kind regards, Sylvain Petreolle

De : Richard Campbell <betam4x@gmail.com>
À : ReactOS Development List <ros-dev@reactos.org>
Envoyé le : Vendredi 4 décembre 2015 8h57
Objet : Re: [ros-dev] kbswitch update


Haven't been paying too much these days to ROS (wife, kids, job), but fyi i know your email ended up in spam.  Gmail says this:

Why is this message in Spam? It has a from address in aol.com but has failed aol.com's required tests for authentication.

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 1:03 AM, Hans-Peter Diettrich <DrDiettrich1@aol.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I'm just digging into kbswitch and have several questions (later).

The major issue: kbswitch affects all windows at once, while it should change the input language only for the current (focused) window.

I assume that kbswitch must preserve the active window, so that it can know where to apply changes, and to re-activate that window when done. As I don't know what's already implemented, I wrote a simple test program, using
GetForegroundWindow() to determine the active window (hwnd),
GetWindowThreadProcessId() to get the related process handle, and
GetKeyboardLayout() to get the keyboard/language handle (hkl).

Tested on WinXP and ReactOS, the output looks correct. The hkl seems to be composed of two words (hi: language and low: layout), which are always the same on ReactOS. On XP a different keyboard layout can be used for a language, but I cannot decipher the resulting encoding of the layout. As soon as I try to change the layout for a language on ReactOS, kbswitch shows the *layout* name, not the *language* name.

Q: Can somebody try to find out how to convert a HKL into language and layout id's and/or names? (see GetLayoutIDByHkl)

Q: Is kbswitch notified of focus changes, and if so: how?
Then above sequence can be used to identify the related thread's setting, and update the tray icon and menu accordingly.

Q: Is every process/thread already assigned a *private* hkl?
If not, this feature must be implemented before further updates.

So much for now

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