Recently, some developers wrote documentation about certain stuff related to
But this documentation was only placed on their own web servers.
In my opinion, it would be better if such stuff would (also) be committed to
the "documentation" directory in SVN.
Having documentation there makes sure that it does not get lost.
Additionally, if the source file is committed (not a PDF or something like
that), another person could extend the documentation further.
I agree that not all documentary stuff needs to be on SVN. An example might
be Magnus' Win32k syscall tables.
But for example Andrew Greenwood's documentation about the Windows
Multimedia Subsystems looks like something, which should be committed in my
If you don't agree on committing this stuff, it would be nice if we could at
least agree on an official document format, which should be used in the SVN
From what I see, most documentations were created by
using OpenOffice, so I
think the OpenDocument Text format (ODT) would be a great
choice. It is also
supported by most word processors, thus most people should be able to open
an ODT file.
Up to now, I used RTF for formatted text documentations in SVN, but this
format does not support things like shapes.