Gge schrieb:
I'm missing my first t ;-) .
A new edition of the debug messages but this time with
a "Kebugcheck"
in mm/npool.c as requested
(mm/mdl.c:898) UserMode mapping - returning 0x441000
(mm/npool.c:1626) Trying to allocate 262144 bytes from nonpaged pool -
nothing suitable found, returning NULL
KeBugCheck at mm/npool.c:1627
<ntoskrnl.exe:d80d (ke/bug.c:459 (KeBugCheckEx))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:d82d (ke/bug.c:479 (KeBugCheck))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:708c8 (mm/npool.c:1627 (ExAllocateNonPagedPoolWithTag))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:75b69 (mm/pool.c:47 (EiAllocatePool))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:75bee (mm/pool.c:102 (ExAllocatePool))>
<npfs.sys:1a20 (create.c:459 (NpfsCreateNamedPipe))>
This means colinux creates many pipes. Our npfs driver allocates the
memory from non paged pool and possible it does not limit the size of
the pipe buffer. I'm not sure if colinux creates to much pipes or if
there is anywhere a bug which prevents from closing unused pipes (in
colinux or ros).
- Hartmut