-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Weidenmueller [mailto:w3seek@reactos.com]
Sent: 18 November 2005 12:03
To: ReactOS Development List
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Re: [ros-diffs] [gedmurphy] 19312:
Improve stopping control of the service
Murphy, Ged (Bolton) wrote:
This function is new to me.
Now that
you're writing multithreaded code it's about time to learn
about these functions ;)
I'm just doing a bit of research on it now to
understand it, but
could you just give me a bit of background of the
difference between this,
and using something like a mutex or CS, and why
it's better in this
Of course you can use mutexes or critical sections, but for
this purpose
interlocked operations are much more lightweight because with
mutexes or
critical sections you'd have to protect the read operation as
well. The
Interlocked* functions basically guarantee that a certain
operation on a
variable shared by multiple threads is performed in an atomic
matter. I
probably should mention that reads are always atomic, so reading a
variable with the size smaller or equal as the size of a
general purpose
register does not need to be protected, writes however have
to be protected.
You should read the following articles:
Thanks for the info, much appreciated.
I've been reading up on Interlocked Variable Access this morning and have
now implemented it into the code.
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