I have had an idea which i want to share with you, so we can discuss if it is interesting or stupid enough.

Right now we have a Winetests comparator called TestMan thanks to the efforts of Colin and Lone_Rifle. This script compares the Winetest results of different revisions. It is really helpful to find regressions(Thanks Lone_rifle to be supervising them from time to time :) ).

My idea is about creating/adding a new script which compares the winetest results of a ReactOS revision vs the result of the WineHQ winetests.
Of course just in those functions/modules that we have full-synced with Wine.

Lets imagine that our Wininit:FTP functions are synced(as they are).That means that the code of those functions are the same in Wine and in ReactOS. That means that  Bugs present in that code will be present in ReactOS too.These could be called the Expected bugs.ReactOS should fail in these tests since Wine functions are bugged: call them Expected Fails.

But sometimes ReactOS is showing more fails than the Expected Fails( in synced code).Why?

Well, these synced functions use other deeper functions which arent synced with Wine and which is own ReactOS code.And, of course,which can have Bugs.If these deeper functions arent working properlly then affects the synced functions which uses them and then you will see extra tests failing.

Lets give a small example.
Wininit:FTP is synced with Wine.
WineHQ reports 6 failures : http://test.winehq.org/data/b175a43fb8439a33a686512935597d4c43c19733/wine_wine1.1.22-230509/wininet:ftp.html
ReactOS latest rev reports 19 failures:
These 13 extra failures arent expected.We expect just 6 Expected Fails (which seems to be related with Bugs in Wine code), so this 13 extra failures are related with deeper functions (which are ReactOS own code).

So the New Script would check the failures in WineHQ and in ReactOS rev and warn when the number of failures is higher than the number of Expected failures,showing also the differences, so the New Script can easily point our Devs towards ReactOS bugs, helping he "hunting"  giving "clues" to them.

If my reasoning is wrong,or i am missing something,please tell me. :)
How much useful would be this Script?Is it interesting enough for Developing purposes?or Is it a waste of time/efforts?

Note: The ie is Bugzilled.It´s curious,since doing a small Timing trick you can have the 6 Expected Fails instead the 19 failures.


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