As the main buildserver might be down, there is one that might act as an replacement:

Please mind that for now it can only be used for building verification of trunk, with x86/x64/ARM compilers. We plan to enable testing on this as well, but work is in progress. No iso storage/downloading is available, due to insufficient upstream (this is not a commercial pipe, just a normal home one).

If anyone knows python/buildbot and is willing to help out with scripting, both of our buildservers could really use it.

2010/5/7 Colin Finck <>
Hello everybody,

We're currently in the process of moving a main server (Buildmaster, ISO-Storage, etc.) to another location and doing upgrades on the other servers.
As always, we try to keep the downtime low, but expect short outages in the next few days.

You'll be notified when the move is over or if there are any major problems.

Best regards,


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