Yeah, and this is how Steven Edwards ended up writing most of the
kernel according to svn blame, because he did the great work of
removing empty lines with whitespaces.
Best regards,
Alex Ionescu
On 11-Nov-07, at 6:19 PM, Magnus Olsen wrote:
authure names
Marc Piulachs have u heard about svn blame
it review which person wrote a special file and which line that
person have done a change.
----- Original Message -----
From: Timo Kreuzer
To: ReactOS Development List
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] rbuild auto generated resources
Marc Piulachs schrieb:
Please can you take a few seconds to think and answer me what's the
difference between <file>source.c</file> and <localization
isoname="en-US">en-US.rc</localization>? Exacly none.
I agree in this point. It's just a logical step to do it this way.
So instead of outsource the information
(developer, translator,
language-info, etc.) from the source code to external rbuild files,
keep the data in place where it belongs to.
It's the parsers job to parse the source and extract it, and put it
together in a meaningful way (generate static output, be it xml or
In my opinion is just the opposite, move the information where it
belongs, when you talk about a developer or a translator working
in a piece
of code you refer them in a particular context , in this case a whole
module, the same for mantainers or translators , they are global
to the
Once again, the data extracted from parsing is not TRUE metadata just
meaningless strings that you can guess or interpret : "author :
jdoe" ,
"author : jhondoe" , "author : jhon doe" are 3 different persons and
<author>Jhon Doe</author> just one , I think it's obvious.
I disagree here. IMO information about developers and translators
belong to svn. They should neither go into the sources nor into
rbuild files. If you want to find out about it, ask svn and it will
tell you the exact name. We also don't really have maintainers for
most modules, so most rbuild files would be spammed with the names
of lots of developers without saying anything about who wrote a
paticular piece of code.
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