People, let's be realistic, the amount of money they'd have to dump into making reactos usable for gaming, is WAY more than they are spending in improving WINE. They have 0 interest in it, in the current stage of ReactOS. If we had a stable, reliable and fast "1.0-worthy" reactos that was just lacking on the directx areas, then there would be a lot more chances of companies like that being interested, but as things are, it's beyond unlikely.

On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 at 21:33, Magnus Johnsson <> wrote:
Valve supports linux, and develops actively for it because A) it brings them a small, but noticable, income
B) Because they are still fuckin' around with the idea of an valve-console.

Neither of those are relevant for reactos :)

Den tors 30 aug. 2018 kl 09:20 skrev Javier Agustìn Fernàndez Arroyo <>:
i was thinking about Valve's Linux support (Steam play) and i was wondering about asking them to support ReactOS via development...

Since Windows XP/2k3 are being abandoned, maybe ReactOS could still run Steam games... if they support it.

what do you think?
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