If I may coalesce:
A 0.3 release is not to think of, since we devoted the 0.3 to a more
feature rich version.
So another 0.2.* release is appropriate, especially since 0.2.6 is a bad
release wich is in some terms buggier than 0.2.5.
However, this is just a bad point in time for a release due to the
Headers. Some time inbevore the branch would help, however.
Asides from that a really small incease could reflect our shame. Which
is however too small or just ridiculus.
--> An alternative (to express our shame) would be to just release and
not to anounce (I will not press the sf-button) the release.
So a branch will occour within let's say the next 2 weeks to have ROS
0.2.7 (our suggested next ver) fixed and built within another 2 weeks.
This is what I would do. What do you think about?
R F C !
Jason Filby wrote:
Hi all
I think we should just post an announcement on
reactos.com that the
next release will be 0.2.7 and will be released in approx x weeks.
How long until we can feature freeze for 0.2.7? This should see the
branch stabilize enough after all the current header changes - that
should be enough. I'd rather not go adding a 4th number to our
revision - 0.2.7 is already so small a number.
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