I tried to install OpenOffice.org 2.0.3 using r23543. The installation stopped because of an ASSERT in cmlib.

nl\ps\thread.c:503) FIX PS SDs!!
(dll\ntdll\ldr\utils.c:1194) LdrGetExportByName(): failed to find FlsAlloc
(dll\ntdll\ldr\utils.c:1194) LdrGetExportByName(): failed to find FlsGetValue
(dll\ntdll\ldr\utils.c:1194) LdrGetExportByName(): failed to find FlsSetValue
(dll\ntdll\ldr\utils.c:1194) LdrGetExportByName(): failed to find FlsFree
(ntoskrnl\ps\thread.c:503) FIX PS SDs!!
(dll\ntdll\ldr\utils.c:1194) LdrGetExportByName(): failed to find FlsAlloc
(dll\ntdll\ldr\utils.c:1194) LdrGetExportByName(): failed to find FlsGetValue
(dll\ntdll\ldr\utils.c:1194) LdrGetExportByName(): failed to find FlsSetValue
(dll\ntdll\ldr\utils.c:1194) LdrGetExportByName(): failed to find FlsFree
(dll\ntdll\ldr\utils.c:1194) LdrGetExportByName(): failed to find FlsAlloc
(dll\ntdll\ldr\utils.c:1194) LdrGetExportByName(): failed to find FlsGetValue
(dll\ntdll\ldr\utils.c:1194) LdrGetExportByName(): failed to find FlsSetValue
(dll\ntdll\ldr\utils.c:1194) LdrGetExportByName(): failed to find FlsFree
(ntoskrnl\cm\ntfunc.c:437) NtCreateKey() doesn't create trees! (found '\' in remaining path: "\Classes\MIME\DataBase\Content Type\application/vnd.stardivision.writer"!)
(ntoskrnl\cm\ntfunc.c:437) NtCreateKey() doesn't create trees! (found '\' in remaining path: "\Classes\MIME\DataBase\Content Type"!)
(ntoskrnl\cm\ntfunc.c:437) NtCreateKey() doesn't create trees! (found '\' in remaining path: "\Classes\MIME\DataBase"!)
(ntoskrnl\cm\ntfunc.c:437) NtCreateKey() doesn't create trees! (found '\' in remaining path: "\Classes\MIME"!)
Assertion 'CellIndex != HCELL_NULL' failed at lib\cmlib\hivecell.c line 19
Entered debugger on embedded INT3 at 0x0008:0x8007fda0.
kdb:> cont
Assertion 'CellBlock < RegistryHive->Storage[CellType].BlockListSize' failed at lib\cmlib\hivecell.c line 29
Entered debugger on embedded INT3 at 0x0008:0x8007fda0.
kdb:> cont
Entered debugger on last-chance exception (Exception Code: 0xc0000005) (Page Fault)
Memory at 0x003FFFFC could not be read: Page not present.
kdb:> cont
KeBugCheckWithTf at ntoskrnl\ke\i386\exp.c:1241
A problem has been detected and ReactOS has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

The problem seems to be caused by the following file: ntoskrnl.exe

Technical information:

*** STOP: 0x0000001E (0xC0000005,0x8007F050,0x00000000,0x003FFFFC)

***    ntoskrnl.exe - Address 0x8007F050 base at 0x80000000, DateStamp 0x0

Page Fault Exception: 14(0)
Processor: 0 CS:EIP 8:8007f050 <ntoskrnl.exe:7f050 (lib/cmlib/hivecell.c:30 (HvGetCell))>
cr2 3ffffc cr3 299e000 Proc: 810401e8 Pid: 118 <msiexec.exe> Thrd: 820cb468 Tid: 134
DS 23 ES 23 FS 30 GS 0
EAX: 00000000   EBX: 8d22bd40   ECX: 00000032
EDX: 00000000   EBP: 9e879c98   ESI: 0007ffff   ESP: 9e879c14
EDI: 8d22bcd8   EFLAGS: 00010286 kESP 9e879c14 kernel stack base 9e877000
<ntoskrnl.exe:fe79 (ntoskrnl/cm/regfile.c:1571 (CmiDeleteValueFromKey))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:d94e (ntoskrnl/cm/ntfunc.c:2157 (NtDeleteValueKey))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:6ec74 (ntoskrnl\ke\i386\trap.s:306 (KiFastCallEntry))>
<advapi32.dll:88c0 (dll/win32/advapi32/reg/reg.c:2109 (RegDeleteValueA))>

Entered debugger on embedded INT3 at 0x0008:0x8007fda6.
kdb:> cont

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