2008/11/19 Martin v. Wittich <>

we are a software development company that develops and maintains a
Linux-based server solution called IServ, designed for use in schools.
We are in business since 2003, and there are currently about 370 schools
in Germany using IServ as their portal server.

One feature that we would like to integrate into our product is the
possibility to customize the ntconfig.pol file. This file, located on
the server's netlogon share, can deploy registry settings to Windows
clients - it is especially important because it can deploy
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE settings. This file is a binary registry hive. At the
moment, we have to create this file manually with poledit.exe.

We need a Linux program which can automatically generate this file.
1) It should read plain text files as input, for example an INF file.
2) The resulting policy file must work with Windows 2000 and XP x86
clients. It should be possible to easily test this by using the command
"Load Hive" in Regedit.
3) The preferred programming language is Perl, C/C++ is also OK. Other
languages should also be possible, but only after prior consultation
(just to make sure nobody comes up with Java ;) ).
4) The resulting source code should be released as open source, e.g.
under the GPL.

We would like the program being finished in one month. We will pay you
EUR 300 for it. If the program is very much work and you feel you need
more money, submit us an offer.

A Perl library to dump binary registry files to plain text:

ntconfig.pol - Our current policy. This must be generated automatically.
ntconfig.pol.dump - Plain text dump of that file, generated with
winnt.adm - Template to edit our policy file with poledit.exe.

Our homepage: (only in German, though)

Yours sincerely,

Martin v. Wittich

Falk & Ludwig GbR
Rebenring 33
38106 Braunschweig

Telephone: +49 531 380 4450

Ros-dev mailing list

Two men walk into a bar....... Third one ducks....    

Think about it, it will come to you.  :P