Trunk lock is in my opinion a critical tool and shouldn't be abused. Ged is right, as it deters developers and hampers development process. On the other hand, Ged, this measure would not be necessary, if only bugfixing would be given at least the same priority as working on new features. Sadly, we all know how does it look like... Another critical issue, is... lack of dedicated testers. Our numbers are way smaller than the one of active developers, what also is hampering proper testing/bug handling. We barely have resources to upkeep all three major virtualising machines, not to mention the real hardware. Finally, please excuse my harsh words, developers ignore work of third party. We have more than a handful, waiting in bugzilla, with majority at least undecided, many unassigned, and many of those assigned - unreviewed. One random example - patch reported almost six months ago, assigned - over a month ago, still not even commented or acked by reviewer. How do we want to attract new developers, if we treat them like that?? Please excuse me Fireball, ARWINSS might be a good idea to attract new devs, but on the dark side of this project, we are making gross mistakes on things that are really very simple to succeed. We crave for resources we need, but at the same time we let them slip by, just because those are from individuals and not big corp, showering with money.

Best regards