On 15 April 2010 19:22, Daniel Reimer <daniel.reimer@stud-mail.uni-wuerzburg.de> wrote:
 Good luck in finding hobby programmers who do what you tell em to do. As long as you cant pay them, its hard to force them in direction. If they loose interest or fun in coding for ROS then we are not just stagnating, we are deserted. If you wanna risk this, feel free to. I cant and wont stop you.

I didn't say that at all. Please don't put words into my mouth.
Intelligent people are supposed to be able to get together and decide what's best for the project for the greater good.
What's the point in writing a PCMCIA driver if the operating system it runs in never gets used?


And I still think PCMCIA is important and useful right now.

Well, you think VMs are more important than Real HW? You were kidding, right?! 

Considering devs and testers rely entirely on VM's to develop the OS, then of course it's more important right now.
If VM's don't work how is anyone supposed to develop the OS? This isn't 1990....
In the long run, of course users want real hardware support, that's obvious, but we have an alpha OS and we need working VM's to get us to that stage.
