-------Original Message-------
Date: 07/21/07 22:53:55
Subject: [ros-dev] ReactOS 0.3.3 RC1
> Hello,
> we just released the first pre-release (RC1)  
I see that the piracies introduced by Alex Ionescu are still there, despiting  the mails exchanges, one of the RosAsm volunteers got with Z98, which gave me some hope of having the problem finally solved for this release.
In fact, the only clear result we ever got, with our reports, have been to get under scandalous attacks, like having our Wikipedia Page, first, vandalized repetitively by some ReactOS fanatics, and then, as the page was regulary restored by a volunteer, it was simply *arased* after a conspiration from inside the Wikipedia team, flaging our project as "non-noticeable"... Congratulations.
So, now, this is my very last warning, before I publish all of the evidences publicly. You have one week for providing an answer that would make sense, Alexey. After this, I will consider my own project (10 years of GPLed collective works, specifically devoted to ReactOS), as dead, and I will no more have anything to loose.
< http://rosasm.org >
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