Even if i am not a developer in this proyect, may I give an advice?
1) You need two trunks, one experimental, the other 1 day old "booting trunk". 
2)Your bot build the experimental trunk (you already have the build bot).
3) Once a day a "boot bot" would try boot the experimental trunk, if it is sucessful (i supouse, sending a "all ok" message throug com1) then it overwrithe the "booting trunk" with that experimental revision.
4)That way there is always a very recent trunk that is stable enough to boot, the testing is automatic, and you have quite narrowed the revisions with the problem.
That way you could be working in a somewhat stable trunk, that can not be older than 1, 2 or 3 days if the experimental is failing.
Best Regards,
Lucio Diaz-Flores

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