On 06.03.2015 15:46, Pierre Schweitzer wrote:
On 03/06/2015 01:30 PM, Hermès BÉLUSCA - MAÏTO wrote:
First I would prefer to revert everything I done
so far for that (failed) attempt of tree restructure, because otherwise nobody will be
happy. As far as I can see in a local SVN repo I did here, if I revert to the tree shape
pre-66575 nothing should break (I mean, if you update your local copy that was at, let’s
say, revision 66574 and you update to revision after-my-would-be-revert, it should be ok,
your local changes should survive.
Given these last information, I'm all for a
Me too, even though technically I like some aspects of the restructure,
and appreciate your time spent on the issue, it's definitely not wasted.
Aleksey Bragin