ReactOS Urgent Meeting
The following people which are generally considered as ReactOS-related
people have called for an urgent project meeting. They agree with the
meeting agenda and the rules for this meeting:
* Giannis Adamopoulos
* Johannes Anderwald
* Maciej Białas
* Aleksey Bragin
* Colin Finck
* Ziliang Guo
* Kamil Hornicek
* Amine Khaldi
* Timo Kreuzer
* Victor Martinez
* Roel Messiant
* Sylvain Petreolle
* Pierre Schweitzer
* Olaf Siejka
* James Tabor
* Art Yerkes
As we have not established any general rules for meetings yet, we
consider these demands enough to justify the need for such an urgent
Based on the experiences Colin has from formal ReactOS Deutschland e.V.
foundation meetings, we need at least a discussion leader and a minute
taker to get an organized meeting done over IRC.
General Information
* Date and Time: Tuesday, 22nd February, 2011 - 20:00 UTC
* Place: #reactos-meeting on Freenode
* Meeting leader: Colin Finck
* Minute taker: Amine Khaldi
* Allowed Participants
The following people are allowed to participate in the discussion
on that channel. This list is taken from the people which were
recently active on the #reactos-dev IRC channel. Others are not
included as they don’t have a chance to know about the recent
developments. If you consider yourself a ReactOS-related person,
you may still ask Colin Finck to put you on this list. Apart from
this, everybody may join as an observer.
o Giannis Adamopoulos (smiley1_)
o Johannes Anderwald (janderwald)
o Maciej Białas (niski)
o Aleksey Bragin (abragin)
o Colin Finck (Colin_Finck)
o Danny Götte (dangerground)
o Ziliang Guo (ZWabbit)
o Amine Khaldi (AmineKhaldi)
o Timo Kreuzer (rosdude)
o Matthias Kupfer (Collibri)
o Victor Martinez (vicmarcal)
o Roel Messiant (Mephisto)
o Ged Murphy (GedMurphy)
o Sylvain Petreolle (Usurp)
o Daniel Reimer (dreimer)
o Pierre Schweitzer (HeisSpiter)
o Samuel Serapion (encoded)
o Olaf Siejka (Caemyr)
o James Tabor (jimtabor)
o Art Yerkes (arty)
Meeting Agenda
1. Agree on a preliminary definition for the term "ReactOS Team
To create a basis for the next regular meeting, we need to know
who may participate and who may not. As we need to focus on the
release right now, this definition should only be preliminary and
is subject to change in a future meeting.
Some participants will present proposals for such a definition.
2. Establish regular meetings every month.
This is the only chance to ensure discussions among a broad range
of ReactOS Team members with binding decisions. These meetings
should follow the rules of typical meetings, including meeting
leaders and minute takers. In contrast to this meeting, all team
members should be able to participate. Minutes should also be
published on the website.
Such regular meetings should begin after CLT2011 (after 20th
March) due to the time it takes to prepare this event.
3. Set up binding 0.3.13 Release Plans.
The CLT2011 event is a big PR chance for a new ReactOS release,
so we should look forward to get a release ready by then. This
point includes:
1. Getting information about the most annoying bugs and
Victor Martinez and Olaf Siejka will report on this.
2. Building teams to care about each bug.
As soon as a bug is fixed, a team has to report back about
this to one of the release engineers. They will then add
you to another team. Of course, you may also suggest stuff
you want to work on afterwards.
3. Setting deadlines for the bugs.
We need to determine what bugs can be realistically fixed
in the given time. If a bug is not fixed by then, the
appropriate team has to report back about this to one of
the release engineers. They are then responsible for
finding a solution.
We believe that other topics, especially the ones discussed in the
"ReactOS Reaction" document should be covered in the first regular
meeting, so that we can focus on 0.3.13 right now.