A new edition of the debug messages but this time with a "Kebugcheck" in
mm/npool.c as requested
(mm/mdl.c:898) UserMode mapping - returning 0x441000
(mm/npool.c:1626) Trying to allocate 262144 bytes from nonpaged pool -
nothing suitable found, returning NULL
KeBugCheck at mm/npool.c:1627
(int10.c:158) IntInt10CallBios
(int10.c:163) - Input register Eax: 4f02
(int10.c:165) - Input register Ebx: 3
(int10.c:167) - Input register Ecx: 0
(int10.c:169) - Input register Edx: 0
(int10.c:171) - Input register Esi: 0
(int10.c:173) - Input register Edi: 0
(int10.c:175) - Input register Ebp: 0
(int10.c:177) - Input register SegDs: 0
(int10.c:179) - Input register SegEs: 0
(int10.c:158) IntInt10CallBios
(int10.c:163) - Input register Eax: 1112
(int10.c:165) - Input register Ebx: 0
(int10.c:167) - Input register Ecx: 0
(int10.c:169) - Input register Edx: 0
(int10.c:171) - Input register Esi: 0
(int10.c:173) - Input register Edi: 0
(int10.c:175) - Input register Ebp: 0
(int10.c:177) - Input register SegDs: 0
(int10.c:179) - Input register SegEs: 0
A problem has been detected and ReactOS has been shut down to prevent
damage to your computer.
The bug code is undefined. Please use an existing code instead.
Technical information:
*** STOP: 0x00000000 (0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000)
<ntoskrnl.exe:d80d (ke/bug.c:459 (KeBugCheckEx))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:d82d (ke/bug.c:479 (KeBugCheck))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:708c8 (mm/npool.c:1627 (ExAllocateNonPagedPoolWithTag))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:75b69 (mm/pool.c:47 (EiAllocatePool))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:75bee (mm/pool.c:102 (ExAllocatePool))>
<npfs.sys:1a20 (create.c:459 (NpfsCreateNamedPipe))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:4e927 (io/irp.c:211 (IofCallDriver))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:455ae (io/create.c:560 (IoCreateFile))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:50150 (io/npipe.c:60 (NtCreateNamedPipeFile))>
<ntoskrnl.exe:3bf2 (C:\DOCUME~1\home\LOCALS~1\Temp/ccy8aaaa.s:178
<kernel32.dll:2d6ef (file/npipe.c:185 (CreateNamedPipeW))>
KeBugCheckWithTf at ke/catch.c:224
A problem has been detected and ReactOS has been shut down to prevent
damage to your computer.
The problem seems to be caused by the following file: ntoskrnl.exe
Technical information:
*** STOP: 0x0000001E (0x80000003,0x8000608f,0x00000000,0x00000000)
*** ntoskrnl.exe - Address 0x8000608f base at 0x80000000, DateStamp 0x0