My belief is that the best path would be:

Phase 0: This is how we are now. We have SVN master (trunk), and a read-only git mirror, and a semi-updated github mirror for when a contributor really wants to submit git PRs.

Phase 1: Switch to using Git with PRs for submitting patches (Github's PR system is really really nice these days, but other solutions exist). Setup a SVN mirror "bot" that creates one svn commit for each push/merge detected in the master branch, and allows the buildbots to continue working as they do now.

This would allow the existing svn-patch workflow to continue working, but commits on svn wouldn't be allowed anymore. Developers are expected to at least TRY to learn to use git (it's not that hard! I promise!).

Phase 2: We switch the buildbots and testbots to pull from git, enable testbot access for git PRs (such as with a github bot that responds to "@rosbot runtest" or similar). The SVN mirror remains, for archival purposes, but git commits aren't merged so regularly. Release tags/branches can still be published through SVN, for ease of access.

Phase 3: Everyone ends up agreeing that maintaining the svn mirror is no longer worth the effort.

Of course, anything like this will only happen if the entire team agrees to it.

On 15 February 2017 at 12:04, Ged Murphy <> wrote:
I think the easiest path is to switch to a centralized style model using git.
That is, we have a master copy (aka trunk) that gives the feel of our existing model. That would allow devs that prefer SVN to mostly continue working as before, and give the devs who want to use git in a more traditional way the ability to branch off and work in a git style manner, then sync their changes back into 'trunk'.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ros-dev [] On Behalf Of Colin Finck
Sent: 15 February 2017 10:53
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] Microsoft switched to Git

Am 15.02.2017 um 11:35 schrieb David Quintana (gigaherz):
> The number doesn't matter. The ReactOS project can't afford to lost
> any long-time members. Git would be a benefit for all of us, but it
> has to be a benefit for ALL of us.

Let's not forget:

- Part of the reasons developers had against Git may have been resolved by now.
- Part of the problem may be that "Git is so different" to some devs, but I think this can be resolved by a detailed Wiki article showing how to do the same thing in SVN and Git. We already wrote such articles for TortoiseSVN after all!
- And finally, we first need a plan for a Git move that doesn't suck. We tried SubGit and it failed for us. Then there is the "Merge workflow", which is supported very well by all tools, but creates a lot of parallel history. The "Rebase workflow" is more like what SVN does (keeping a linear history), but no idea how to enforce that with TortoiseGit.

I think if a team could look after these things and help moving each and every developer towards Git, it may even be doable for us.



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