ReactOS... The Open Source Windows(TM) compatable Operating System.
I think this sums it up. No need to re-write open code. IMHO.

On 11/28/05, Mike Swanson < > wrote:
ReactOS has bigger issues than complain about who wrote such-and-such
*free software*. Unless of course you guys would rather go the ESR-way
and hate Microsoft no matter what they do, free/"Open Source" or not.

On 11/28/05, Dennis-ReactOs <> wrote:
> I tend to not want anything microsoft if I'm going to go with a
> non-microsoft product but why would you need to explain that very little
> microsoft code is used?  I would think that most people would be happy
> with 'all the microsoft code we use is from GPL projects' would be an
> adequate explination.  For that matter, 'all the code in ReactOS is
> under the GPL or compatible license' will be all that most people see.
> But of course, that's just my opinion.
> Dennis
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