Ged Murphy wrote:
How do I unlock the files?
This is done as your regular username, not as the 'audit' user, so you
can clean the 'audit' username / password in the same manner as before
if you opted to save it.
Again, I'll list the tortoise method.
- Right click on the file / directory you want to unlock, navigate to
tortoiseSVN and select 'check for modifications'
- Select the file(s) you want to unlock, right click and select 'break
the lock'. SVN will automatically contact the repo and unlock the files.
- Don't forget to remove the svn:needs-lock property from the files to
ensure they are no longer checked out as read only.
I have so far locked the kernel, however I'm unsure if :
1. we're just gonna lock everything in one go (this would make life
easy to start with) and unlock everything as we deem it to be OK
2. lock only dirs we thing need auditing and unlock once clean.
Ok, slight change of plan as per option 1. It definitely is much easier
to lock everything at once and then unlock the code which has passed.
I'm in the process of locking now via the user 'audit'
Once this is done ( about 1 hour), the method above applies to unlock
the code. All devs will have the ability to 'break a lock'