Windows Internals is very useful, be wary to take the 4th edition as
that covers NT 5.2.
It contains no special info about the USB stack afaik.
Le 25/04/2016 16:27, mvardan a écrit :
Hello ReactOS community!
My name is Vardan.
First of all I want to say thank you to all the members of this
community who helped me to figure out status of works and make a
proposal for GSoC. Also I want to express my gratitude to those who
makes decision to accept my proposal. It is very responsible for me to
be accepted for this project. You can be sure that I'll do my best to
be able to meet your expectations.
For all other members of ReactOS community, I want to introduce
myself. I am 1st year master student from Armenia. I have about 2
years of Linux Driver development experience. My GSoC project title is
"Improve ReactOS USB stack" and I will be very grateful for any help
from anyone of you. I can easily communicate on Russian and English.
During this month after submission and before acceptance I have done
some investigation of ReactOS and it's built environment. Related to
RosBE I want to express separate thanks to them who created such
environment where newbies like me are able to easily build and test
ReactOS and it's drivers (even with MSVS!). ReactOS wiki page is also
very helpful!
I have started Investigation of NT driver concepts with "Microsoft
Windows Internals" book and some online articles. Any recommendations
related sources of information are strongly appreciated by me.
I hope that this GSoC project will be a good starting point for me, to
join to "very small and exclusive ranks of people who know how to do
NT systems development" :)
Best regards,
Ros-dev mailing list