So if I understand this correctly, the solution file will use vcxproj files generated by CMake to create a truly hierarchical Visual Studio development and build environment suitable for new developers who are only familiar with Visual Studio and using the IDE for development?

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 1:47 PM, J. C. Jones <> wrote:

Hi All,

I had quick chat with Amine and others, and for the time being, I will pick up where I let off in creating a Visual Studio ReactOS.sln with the following features:

1.       A single ReactOS.sln file that is interchangeable between Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012.

2.       A single ReactOS.sln file that incorporates all 800+ .vcxproj files and allows all 800+ project to be viewable within a single session of Visual Studio.

3.       No (serious) performance problems with load of the ReactOS.sln file or .vcxproj files.

4.       An arrangement in the Solution Workspace that mirrors the structure of the ReactOS repository on disk.

5.       The ability to build all applications or drivers by right-clicking, within Solution Workspace, on the folder named applications or drivers and doing clicking Build.

6.       Visibility of the lang directories in the Solution Workspace.

7.       Visibility of all SVN files in the Solution Workspace, including CMakeLists.txt files.

8.       Support for Debug and Release project configurations.

9.       Support for x86_32, x86_64, ARM platform configurations.

10.   Self-relative paths for all .h’s and .libs’s so that solution can be moved by the developer on his/her local hard disk without consequence.

11.   No need to download any extraneous tools. User should be able to type in SVN URL, either from within Visual Studio, or with Windows Explorer, pull ReactOS repository, load ReactOS.sln, and start editing/compiling/linking, debugging.

With the CMakeLists.txt files, the information needed is already present. With Amine’s latest work of actually generating the .vcxproj files, things become even easier. However, as I have two other moderate projects going concurrently, one of which I just started, this will take some time. I will provide updates as I go along.



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