I do strongly believe in releasing before major IT events, to maximize the potential short-time increase of interest around ReactOS, that could be combined with the leverage granted by the event. My answer is - yes if we can make it,

Regarding current trunk issues, i have compiled a small list of the new ones (or just freshly detected):

2010/3/2 Colin Finck <mail@colinfinck.de>
Hi James,

Thanks for your information. I'm afraid that I currently don't have time to
organize a full new release due to the ongoing preparations for the
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage exhibition in around two weeks.
But of course, such an event benefits much from a stable trunk, especially
because we still need to prepare an ISO for the give-away CDs and
presentation laptops.

Does anybody know of any major hardware/driver problems preventing us from
doing so?
I've lately heard about an Uniata timing problem, which particularly causes
trouble on real hardware systems. Who has details about this problem and can
we get it sorted out till next weekend?

I won't have much time over the next two weeks, so meeting that deadline
would be vital for the CDs.

Best regards,
