If you note, neither options (USB boot vs ISO) are mutually exclusive.
You can include both an ISO image inside the USB pendisk for the comfort of VM/CD boot and still keep the pendisk ready for direct boot as test. 1Gb pendisks (as minimum storage nowadays) permits this and much more.
Would be nice to include QEMU to run permit end-users see ReactOS in action with just a click and reduce the number of steps/knowledge required to start the OS.
With kind regards,
Nuno Brito
05.01.2015, 15:20, "Javier Agustìn Fernàndez Arroyo" <elhoir@gmail.com>:

Absolutely no! ISO files can be mounted into VM as easily as burned intó CD/Dvd and everyone knows how to do it. I can not tell the same about USB flash