ReactOS and some applications are translated in many different languages but
a ReactOS language support is missing. The regitry keys (see hivesys.inf)
are there but ROS ingore the keys.
Is there a chance that ROS get language support until version 0.3? Is it a
big step to add it? Which file is need an update? Maybe I can help adding
this feature.
Why are there some languages hard coded?
reactos\lib\msvcrt\locale\locale.c - Code:
const struct map_lcid2str {
short langid;
const char *langname;
const char *country;
} languages[]={
{0x0409,"English", "United States"},
{0x0809,"English", "United Kingdom"},
{0x0000,"Unknown", "Unknown"}
const struct map_cntr {
const char *abrev;
const char *country;
} abrev[] = {
{"britain", "united kingdom"},
{"england", "united kingdom"},
{"gbr", "united kingdom"},
{"great britain", "united kingdom"},
{"uk", "united kingdom"},
{"united kingdom", "united kingdom"},
{"united-kingdom", "united kingdom"},
{"america", "united states" },
{"united states", "united states"},
{"united-states", "united states"},
{"us", "united states"},
{"usa" "united states"}
Klemens Friedl <frik85>
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