You should read the whole post.
He was using RosBE 0.3.6 and got problems, after replacing windres with the MSYS one it worked.
I also got those problems with latest RosBE. Replacing windres with the older *MinGW* version didn't help.

revision 27557: 268 KB, no icon
revision 27541: 372 KB, with icon

But it has in fact nothing todo with SUBLANG_XX

You see the problem when opening it with a hexeditor:
the file begins with EF BB BF
when you remove it and reopen the file with windows notepad, it will be put there again.

Don't use windows notepad to edit rc files!

fixed in 27574

Ged schrieb:
carlo.bramix wrote:
The one into my MSYS installation says:

You shoudn't be using anything other than RosBE otherwise you're on your 
own with any build problems you may have.

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