Hi guys!

After a week dealing with several scripts and options, we're finally integrating the most important info from Reactos.org and Community.reactos.org directly to our Social channels to keep a constant flow of updates to our followers.

Since now our ReactOS Facebook and ReactOS Twitter will be automatically updated when...
... A Jira bugreport is resolved with a 'Fixed' and 'Cannot reproduce' status.
... A blog post is published in "ReactOS.org"
... A blog post is published in "Community.ReactOS.org"

Some of the features:
- Updates are queued and published with a time gap between them, so in case, eg, a Tester/Dev runs a Spring Cleanup, we won't be publishing 10 Jira reports in the same minute.
- Facebook and Twitter updates include pictures in case the blog post or the Jira report has one. So please add a picture in case you're blogging even if it is just a screenshot of you running "whatever" in ReactOS.
- Includes #hashtags related to the current Jira/Blog report.
- Uses bit.ly shortener when needed.
- And several hidden Easter Eggs in Twitter...(I was bored in the train)

If you've any suggestions about other potential updates to be sent to our Social Channels, just tell me and I'd try to integrate them in an automated way.

I'm planning a way to ease and have community contributions filtered and joining the automated flow, but it'll have to wait until I master Drupal. Also I'm working in some "crossposting" among our Social Channels, so a direct post in Facebook not coming from our PR Update System is replicated in Twitter and the other way around.

We can be really proud of the current PR Update system implemented, since probably it even beats several bigger opensource projects and/or companies out there.

If you didn't join our Twitter or Facebook yet, please feel free to join:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ReactOS/19143619259
- Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/reactos

Brought to you by the ReactOS PR Team.