I agree with Steven -- I don't mind a git mirror (but I would appreciate an Hg mirror as well -- since you already have git set up, just run git->hg conversion, it should work flawlessly. Converting svn->hg is usually not the way to go).

My arguments were against using git as the primary DVCS -- it's just not the right tool *FOR REACTOS*.

As the old adage says:

1) Analyze your requirements
2) Pick the best tool for your project
3) Shut up about the tool and write code instead

FYI, HgSvn is what I use:

hgsvn allows you to work on SVN checkouts using Mercurial (mirroring all SVN history in a local Mercurial repository on which you can also do local development). It is useful for managing private branches, submitting patches to project maintainers, have fast local operations instead of slow remote "svn up/log/blame"

Best regards,
Alex Ionescu

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 4:08 AM, Aleksey Bragin <aleksey@reactos.org> wrote:

Well, obviously *converting reactos to git* is crazy. Maybe I
announced git mirror too soon, because I wanted to experiment more
with it before actually offering it to people.

Speaking of that, git access url is moved to git://git.reactos.org/
Don't forget to update your configs...

Also, I made an assumption that git starts getting decent Windows
support. If it's not going to happen (like, if msysgit and
tortoisegit projects are going to be abandoned), I'm afraid I may not
be so glad about usability of this mirror.

I haven't investigated possibilities about commiting back to SVN, but
it's listed as a feature, so might be something can work out here.

Aleksey Bragin.

On Jan 9, 2009, at 4:14 AM, Alex Ionescu wrote:

> Sorry, I meant to say git -- and I think Aleksey understood it as
> "git" too.
> I'm surprised you had import problems -- Hg is widely recognized as
> having an excellent built-in "converter" for most other repositories.
> Best regards,
> Alex Ionescu

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