
a minor fix in my personal data:

-First name Javier
-Last name Agustìn Fernàndez Arroyo
+First name Javier Agustín
+Last name Fernàndez Arroyo

On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Colin Finck <colin@reactos.org> wrote:
Your SVN account == "ReactOS development account", because it will be
used for more services than just SVN. You can now change the password on
your own at https://lam.reactos.org

Hi all,

I've been trying to centralize our user accounts for some time now and
finally have something to show. Your known SVN credentials have been
imported into an LDAP-based user directory now.
This gives us the ability to easily plug various services for developers
into the directory: SVN, BuildBot, the participant list for meetings,
especially the upcoming services like Mumble, development VMs and file

You can view your account details and change your password on your own
now. Just visit https://lam.reactos.org to do so. The E-Mail address
shown there will be used e.g. for sending meeting invitations.

As we all want the migration to go flawlessy, I've set up a temporary
SVN repository at svn://svn.reactos.org/sasltest
This should work just like our "reactos" repository: If you have write
access there, you have write access in "sasltest" as well. It already
works well for me and my SVN client, but I want confirmations from
others too. Please do so by committing some junk into sasltest :)

We have some members, who don't have SVN write access but participate in
the monthly meetings. They will shortly receive an E-Mail with their
account details. That doesn't give you SVN write access though, it's
just for participating in the meetings for now :P

I'll keep you informed when we finally plug our main repositories into
the LDAP database.

Note that this doesn't change anything with the ReactOS Website accounts
and IServ mail accounts. Former ones will always be in a separate
database as everybody can sign up there.



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