It's a good idea for him to apply to his local government, to explain what ReactOS is, and what are its benefits, especially for a country like Cuba.

For a start, someone spanish-speaking should exchange emails privately with him, and send him a few CDs - with our releases, with source code of an SVN tree, with RosBE, etc. The "ReactOS Starter Kit". Anyone volunteers?

Aleksey Bragin.

On Feb 7, 2010, at 3:04 AM, Joshua Bailey wrote:

What it seems Mr. Catala is trying to say is that he doesn't have fast enough Internet access in Cuba to
download ReactOS from Sourceforge or our main site. His connection only runs 8 kilobits per second,
which obviously isn't good enough for him to download the ISO.  He might also be saying that he can't
access SourceForge, due to Internet censorship, though it's vague because he seems to be using
translation software.

Cuba has very restricted Internet access because the state owns most computers, Internet cafes are
expensive, and it's heavily censored. 

Mr. Catala is asking if someone could physically mail him a ReactOS disc, since he cannot
download and burn the discs himself.

-Joshua Bailey

From: Raúl Avila Catalá <>
To: ReactOS Development List <>
Sent: Sat, February 6, 2010 1:18:09 PM
Subject: Re: [ros-dev] FLISOL 2010

Andrew, thanks for answering my post. Sight, the only that it want to be
the ISO of ReactOS and your withdrawal from circulation compilation in a
CD to distribute in the FLISOL…

succeed that my country this limited in SourceForge and cannot unload
this, also it have a connection to 8K/s for which it is staies and the
discharges finish corrupt… therefore it asks that it collaborate with
crumb and send the CD postal path ( not e-mail ).

> Please do bear in mind ReactOS is in ALPHA, i.e. not suitable for normal
> use.
> If you want such a CD, my advice would be to download the debug version of
> reactos from the website and source code then burn the two files (the ISO
> and the zip file) to a CD.
> ReactOS has one CD if I remember correctly, that does all languages (If
> I'm
> wrong please correct me)
> Also, AFAIK ReactOS has no manuals, it has SOME documentation in the wiki,
> but overall it lacks much documentation.
> 2010/2/5 Raúl Avila Catalá <>
>> Hi for all the ReactOS community, soon brings near to him the FLISOL2010
>> and want to take the CD that appears in the ReactOS page, since the
>> discharge from tub makes to him impossible for the limited bandwidth
>> that
>> has in the island...
>> Please if some interested party in collaborating, it need a CD that it
>> contains the operative system ( in Spanish ), the source code of ReactOS
>> and some manuals ( in Spanish )...
>> I, will make oneself responsible for make copy them and distribute it
>> for
>> the happening, in order that the Cuban community that has not access to
>> the Internet can obtain " the alternative of Windows ".
>> They can me write directly to my address of post:
>> R++
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