This is what we do in our environment:
we have a web page where a user can upload their patches via diffs
or .zip or .tar or .tar.gz files. These files are then unzipped,
untared, etc. then put into a development binary by a release
coordinator and a testing coordinator they build the binary and
distribute a testing release of the program. If more problems occur
when the patched binaries are commited they are thrown out of the
binary and put into an "efforts" folder to be evaluated later down
the development line. Just a thought... Would react have enough space
to do this???
On Oct 15, 2005, at 5:01 PM, Magnus Olsen wrote:
Hi I should love to see some new gudieles
how to get svn access. Today it seam anyone
that provide with a patch that is coder can
getting svn access. But I think we need
start think how we should handle it,
Here is some ideas how it can be
1. A maling list with patch or in Bugzila
I love see a maling list with the patch
2. When people have submit the patch
to us we start examing it see if it any godd
(we are doning that already)
3. To get SVN write access u need lest
provide patch in regual basic under
6 month lest, Then after 6 month the provider
can write to mailing list see if can getting
SVN write access before he grant SVN
write access, the full name and mailing
address must be provided, and we should
have a vote if that provder can getting
SVN write access. no accpect from all
this rules.
Yestday some was granted svn access
his name was not on the mailing list
why he got one, he did not write either
on the mailing list asking for svn access
that why I want see new guide lines how
svn write access handles. so every one
know how he is and why he was granted
to be granted after few patcher are not
accpect in my eys. For we are starting
getting alot with people with svn write
access. And new guide lines must be
Magnus Olsen
Ros-dev mailing list
Rick Langschultz
rlangschultz(a) (Home)
rlangschultz(a) (Work)
rlangschultz(a) (School)