Just Mean that it is not fair when i uploade taskmgr
with alot of bugfixes and translation and then someone
just modify the code and take the credits
Okay. Did not know this. I wouldn't
like this either ...
but now ill just use my version on my new project on
CubeOs so
its okay but cant see why its done..
... but don't be ridiculous. It's your
right to be credited for your derived
work and you should fight for that right. Somewhen in future someone not
knowing of this story may claim you have stolen code or the other way
around. So get these credits into the source ASAP.
And a TaskMgr running on multiple OSs is even more interesting, isn't it ;)
@Thomas: will check the latest TaskMgr version this week. Sorry for the
delay, I was busy. When newer versions are available, send them. Best as
binary _and_ source since I am not sure I will get my ROS-dev-environment
set up in time.
May the source be with you, stranger ;)
ICQ: #281645