I have to agree with Dimitry

> "I want to make a claim as an axiom and see where it goes from there.
>If you don't agree with the axiom you should probably read something
>on ethology and group behavior."

Very bad start. Reader is put into simple choice, agree or you are uneducated. Ever thought you may be wrong?

>" I beg you to be open-minded."

Are you?

> "A closed group of humans (and many other social animals) usually
> is emotionally and irrationally unfriendly to newcomers, due to
> the evolutionary baggage we all share."

What is simply called "The Tribe approach". Criticized one. Strangely, it ommits few factors, like the one we a sentinent specie, one that is capable of thinking rationaly and not following irrationality or emotions. Highly specialized, technical or scientific groups are even more relying on rationality than emotions. IT people (or Geeks/nerds) are even better example of that. Oh crap... we are one...

 >The group assumes a hostile position to a newcomer. Many members don't
 >realize what is going on. It simply feels like: "I just hate this guy!"

The lecturer starts with biased and unproven assumption, so he can squeeze his logically questionable proof into more solid basis. Just browse forums. Look for beginner`s posts. Read the replies

>Members, of course, feel special and somewhat better, just because
>they are part of the group. They see newcomers as not-worthy to some
>extent, just because the newcomer is not in the group. They see the
>newcomer as an alien and – as a threat. Subconsciously. Don't bother
>to reply and tell me that I am not-worthy to be seen as a threat :)

Again, we are sentinent, rational. We are able to evaluate behavior and knowledge of another being and act accordingly. Actually, you have to WORK REALLY HARD to be disliked. Guys.... Do we perceive new people as a threat? Especially those who want to join in and help out???? Really care2debug, you are so ignorant of how this community fares, its getting funny,

>The general feeling is "Who the f#ck he thinks he is? He's not from
>our group, he is not one of us (he didn't do anything to our project
>yet). Blah-blah-blah... I just hate this guy!". This irrational hate

Expanded idea from above. Utter crap. Do not want.

>This means the newcomer must come in a very submissive pose and
>exhibit not a slightest sign of aggressive attitude. Actually, the
>more you cry for mercy, the more chances are that you will be easily
>accepted into the group. Broken leg or being a total looser may help,
>as compassion will start to overtake the initial hostility.
>The "pose" on the text-based Internet is mainly how one talks.
>This is an example of a submissive pose:
>"Oh, Great Lords, you are so cool and I am not worthy. I beg you to
>let me develop for ReactOS, I am not much, but I will dutifully learn
>And so it goes... An ass-kisser, to be short.

This part is outrightly offending to me.
This message you made up, is of course exagerated, but even the lite ones, i personally hate. Those are very often not based
on any ReactOS experience, but mostly on great expectations this project is creating. Why do i know that? Because i (and not only me) had such expectations as well, when i first seen it. Then, i checked out the reality. I prefer well thought criticism or reporting what is wrong, especially if it touches some area we haven`t thought ourselves yet. Those are of most value. Saying we like asskissers, and that we force/expect such behaviour is the very fine argument for banning you. You admitted that you havent been with us for long, yet you pull such strong accusations. Publicly. Its called libel.

> This happens everywhere. Just take a closer look.

Not here, in your mind perhaps. Any proof?
>But this constitutes a problem. The group acts as a filter that favors
>the wrong kind of people.
>Because a good developer, after all, is usually opinionated, criticizes
>what he thinks is wrong, doesn't like to be called stupid and be given
>insults and shitty tasks. He challenges existing routines and things
>the group got used to. He is a threat.

No. Stay online for few months and maybe you witness a potential developer joining in and asking around, our reaction as well.
Right now you are unjust.

>P.S. You may ask – didn't you think that this hostility is a
>consequence of you being a jerk? If being a jerk means not kissing
>asses of Great Masters – then yeah, I may be guilty of that.
>P.P.S. Before posting a reply, please take a look inside you and try
>to see if that reply is based on "I just hate this guy!" :)

I dont hate you. You are not worthy of such strong emotions. That little time you spent here, shows that you are one of those big-headed, "i know all" types, who must have their last word, even if its offending person you are discussing with. Remember calling Physicus names? Just because he didnt agree with your exotic approach to physics?
In this short time, you managed to offend several people... You managed to badmouth project on our irc channel, by insisting that we might have any leaked code (how can you otherwise call asking what part of our code is leaked?) and when asked on proof you just left, on forums (http://www.reactos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=7076&p=62250#p62250) and now you are offending ReactOS team, by accusing them of expecting newjoiners to asslick...

How dare you?

Now let me present a countertheory. Do you know who is despised in our community? Smart-asses, who think they have eaten all knowledge, and think that they know all the answers, noobs, that DEMAND things to be done for their liking, and flaming up when refused and idiots who want to change the project around without even trying to study it closer.

Guess which cathegory you fit it?