On 6/21/07, carlo.bramix wrote:
I didn't use Vista yet, but I wouldn't like to decided every time the actions to do.
Usually, when I double-click on the CD/DVD icon, I would like to explore the content of the disk.
I don't want to see something asking me "explore disk? autoplay disk? play disk?", I just want to see the directory structure.

Haha, I wasn't saying that it should ask you every time you double click the drive icon.  I was talking about when you actually put in the disc or connect a device.

I already solved this little need my Win9x platforms with a very little C programme.
Personally, I can't see a valid reason for not putting this little thing (enable/disable autoplay features) somewhere.

Things have changed a lot with autoplay from earlier Windows versions to XP, and even more from XP to Vista.  Vista even has a section in the control panel for autoplay configuration:
http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/6287/windowsvistaautoplayjs2.png (169 KB)

Also, you have brought up a good point.  Besides those parts of the autoplay configuration, ReactOS should have an additional option to specify whether to just view the contents of the drive with no autoplay prompts when you double-click a drive or open up the autoplay options when you double click the drive -- that is, if it will even support opening that up at all when double-clicking a drive, which if it doesn't that's fine, too, as long as the option is at least there when right-clicking the drive.



Carlo Bramini

---------- Initial Header -----------

>From      : ros-dev-bounces@reactos.org
To          : "ReactOS Development List" ros-dev@reactos.org
Cc          :
Date      : Tue, 19 Jun 2007 17:05:13 -0600
Subject : Re: [ros-dev] Autoplay configuration.

> On 6/19/07, carlo.bramix wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > I would like to suggest the addition of a little feature into ReactOS.
> > Here there is a little reference to be read near my suggestion:
> >
> >
> > http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windows2000serv/reskit/regentry/93502.mspx?mfr=true
> >
> > Autorun could be useful, but sometimes it's very annoying.
> > So: what about adding a little page somewhere for configuring it?
> > Into Win9x it was partially configurable on CD/DVD units, but newer
> > versions of Windows lost completely this ability.
> > I think that a little page with some check-boxes:
> >
> > [ ] Disables Autoplay on removable drives
> > [X] Disables Autoplay on fixed drives.
> >
> > ..etc
> > would be really cool because it fixes a mess into modern Microsoft's
> > products.
> > I think it can be done in 100 lines of code (perhaps even less).
> > If we decide that it can be added, we just need to decide where we could
> > put them.
> >
> > I know that ReactOS haven't autoplay feature yet, but adding its
> > configuration isn't too difficult.
> > Where can it be placed?
> > Personally, I wouldn't add a new applet into the control panel only for
> > it.
> > Or if you don't want it at all, or you don't want it for now, it's ok too.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Carlo Bramini.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Ros-dev mailing list
> > Ros-dev@reactos.org
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> >
> Personally, I think Windows Vista's autorun/autoplay options are great, and
> it does have a place to change the configuration for them easily.  In my
> opinion, Microsoft finally got it right on that version.  It even asks
> whether you want the run the program from autorun.inf, so no more holding
> shift while inserting CDs. :)  It also gives the other usual autoplay
> options even on CDs that do have a program specified in autorun.inf.
> In my opinion, ReactOS should do it the same way, at least as far as asking
> whether to run the program or not when you insert a CD or plug in a drive.
> -ShadowFlare

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