Greetings All,

I have been reviewing ReactOS on the website and wiki to get a better feel for the project, which I must say is very impressive.

From what I have read, it seems that ReactOS is initially shooting for a drop-in replacement for WindowsXP and beyond which raised a question for me. The site also seems to suggest, for the most part and with the exception of a few core ReactOS files (ie. kernel plus a couple of others), that ReactOS should be 100% compatible with WindowsXP.

With this in mind, I wondered this. If I had an old licensed Windows XP disk, which I do, then shouldn't it be possible to use the base core ReactOS files (ie. the minimalist ReactOS configuration like in my previous inquiry to the mailing list) and then use the WindowsXP subsystem core files?

I guess what I was wondering, not to detract from the true developments of ReactOS which I like a lot, is would the WindowsXP system files function the same with the ReactOS kernel, and minimal files that were listed by Alex in a previous email.

reeldr (ntldr)

What I am getting at, is a development that is still forming, but the idea is to utilize ReactOS to allow for the development of a Super Sandbox system that is run in a specialize VM, and which would allow for each application to be run in their own ReactOS VM. Although I am still playing with the idea a lot, it is forming in such a way that would totally isolate each application in a separate VM that is composed of super minimal ReactOS kernel running. 

Just playing with ideas that I have had for a while, but at the moment, I am still learning about ReactOS so that I will be able to contribute to it soon.

Thanks and have a great day,