On 11-Nov-07, at 6:27 PM, Ged wrote:
Timo Kreuzer wrote:
Marc Piulachs schrieb:
Please can you take a few seconds to think and
answer me what's the
difference between <file>source.c</file> and <localization
isoname="en-US">en-US.rc</localization>? Exacly none.
I agree in this point. It's just a logical step to do it this way.
I don't , there is a huge difference!
source.c is a single file which is compiled as a unit.
en-US.rc is part of the top level resource file and is not built as a
single unit, but is included as part of the top level resource file.
Hence, we only need the top level resource as part of the project,
including seperate lanuage files leads you to think they are built
as a
seperate file, in which case it will conflict with including it in the
top level file.
If you look at any VS project, you will not see en-EN.rc as a project
file in the same way you won't see windef.h as part of the project.
Actually you will, in a real VS project. Again, rbuild's msvc backend
sucks because it doesn't do this, resulting in autocomplete not
working correctly, because MSVC doesn't "know" about the header
(whereas if the header is in the "headers" part of the project, then
it knows about it, can search through it, etc.)
Same applies to .rc files.
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Best regards,
Alex Ionescu