no, I was speaking about something different.
Take a look - http://www.reactos.org/wiki/index.php/Coding_Style
there I mean this:

 * @name SomeAPI
 * @implemented NT4
 * Do nothing for 500ms.
 * @param SomeParameter
 *        Description of the parameter. Wrapped to more lines on ~70th
 *        column.
 * @param YetAnotherParameter
 *        Bleh, bleh :)
 * @return STATUS_SUCCESS in case of success, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
 *         othwerwise.
 * @remarks Must be called at IRQL == DISPATCH_LEVEL
 SomeAPI( ...

rgenstat-alike tool should be able to parse such header, not only the old-style simple

Aleksey Bragin.

On Nov 10, 2007, at 1:06 AM, Marc Piulachs wrote:

Hi Aleksey,


I don’t know if I understood you completely, rgenstat works by parsing c/cpp source files not header files. What do you mean with “standard function header”?


If we are seriously going to use it I would like to make some slightly modifications to it to make it more powerful but would require help from someone with more experience than me writing parsers in C.


