I'm was fixing some code, se\semgr.c->SeLockSubjectContext/SeUnlockSubjectContext, where apc's were not disabled before/after ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite/ExReleaseResourceLite using KeEnterCriticalRegion/KeLeaveCriticalRegion.
KeEnterCriticalRegion/KeLeaveCriticalRegion access current thread and this triggers bsod->"no current process".
call chain: CmInitializeRegistry->ObCreateObject->SeCaptureSubjectContext->SeLockSubjectContext
CmInitializeRegistry is called in ke\main.c before the initial process is created.
What should i do? Add checks for if the current process/thread exist or not in KeEnterCriticalRegion/KeLeaveCriticalRegion or is there some other way to fix this?