come on, devs,

eVb has been done an awesome work until now.. i think he should be helped now he needs you (dunno if i have written it properly...)

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Ros Arm <> wrote:
Good evening,

Even past EngCreateBitmap fix in trunk, VGA driver I wrote still having many problems drawing, most with text output and colors. Example, desktop icon appear monochrome, not color. But Paint palette has 16 colors. When draw in Paint, white background become black! And after released mouse, deletes any existing line, shape, ... drawn!

I am not having experience with Win32K system too much, and Richard said too much dependency and regression can happen if touched. Also, other problem exist with driver loading: multiple display driver not supported if previous driver mode set fail. Timo Kreuzer said "yarotws" has fix for this, but don't want to touch Win32k...

So, would like to ask help with getting VGA driver working. I soon commit to trunk, and can be used with new vga/vbe miniport. Just need to edit registry entries to load it.

Thank you!


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