On 12/9/06, Aleksey Bragin <aleksey@studiocerebral.com> wrote:
I'd like to hear opinions regarding the change in release policy.

The proposition:
Release happens on a strict time basis, like once per month. That
means, at the end of the month we look for the best revision inside
this month (probably which is closer to the end of the month), branch
from it, apply all fixes (if any), and release.

Disadvantage: a few coming releases' quality will be overall lower,
there might be things like 0.3.25 (if release frequency is set too
high, and this is not a disadvantage actually).

Advantages: in the long run quality goes up, more developers due to
higher release rate, more publicity, people will finally realize it's
an alpha product, more bugs reported, no signs of a dead project (I
doubt there are healthy projects doing 1 release per year :)).

Any thoughts are appreciated.

I think everyone knows my view on this, I agree 100% with this change.

We are in Alpha, we don't need to polish every release:
1. it's killing our release cycle
2. it's taking the fun out of releasing
3. we get very little publicity

I think this could be the turning point we need.
A release is made no matter what, no arguments. The only think that stops it is if there has been a huge regression which hasn't been fixed since the last release (e.g. no networking)

I'm a happier person for seeing this email today :)

Ged "Release early, release often" Murphy.