Filip Navara wrote:
+ 16-bit
virtual DOS machine (VDM)
CSRSS is involved here, but the main VDM process is NTVDM.exe which
executes Win16/DOS programs and uses special kernel calls
(NtVdmControl or how is it called). The emulated devices are
handled by special device drivers (see DDK for details, there's
special section about VDD drivers and DDK Graphics Drivers section
has some info about VDM graphics handling)
Is in the csrss.exe (from ReactOS) the VDM process
I read in the old forum that someone spoke about
an DOS/win16
Should the DOS (virtual maschine) be a part of the csrss.exe?
See above.
Just to add some information, CSRSS is quite more involved then Filip
would make it seem :). Although NtVdmControl is used for hardware kernel
calls, almost all the 1) Console and 2) VDM Emulation is passed back
through CSRSS. CSRSS is the one who executes the loops to get the newest
emulated commands to do, and who handles all the I/O.
Best regards,
Alex Ionescu