That's a long email :)
I second the call out for help too, please devs, could we focus for at least a month to try fix the remaining issues in arwinss and see what comes out ?
I've been testing arwinss and I think it's got a huge potential to be a working OS.
I think that all devs that work and have worked in current win32k have done a great job, but we are running out of time, with so little resources there
are little choices to make, keep this way taking a lot of time to reach our goal (it'll be too late probably), or optimize what we have to get there faster.
This is the humble opinion of a simple fan, tester, patcher, translator of ros (registered since 2003 but following the project since 2002 in fact) in the hope of getting some inspiration from all the team.
Please try to make this a constructive discussion, the only intention here is to have a working ReactOS faster.

Thank you all in advance.


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