
thanks for the comment. I'll commit a fix with the function.
After, I'll have a look to the functions you're talking about.

Aleksey, what about a merge to trunk? (after the fixes to the said functions).

P. Schweitzer

> From: ionucu@videotron.ca
> To: ros-dev@reactos.org
> Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 09:48:12 -0500
> Subject: Re: [ros-dev] [ros-diffs] [pschweitzer] 38523: - Implemeted Io(p)GetRelatedTargetDevice - Fixed FsRtlNotifyVolumeEvent
> You can/should use IopGetDeviceNode instead of the ugly (but
> necessary) triple-casting you have.
> > + *DeviceNode = (PDEVICE_NODE)
> > ((PEXTENDED_DEVOBJ_EXTENSION)DeviceRelations->Objects[0]-
> > >DeviceObjectExtension)->DeviceNode;
> Also, I believe there is a bug in Nt/IoQuery/SetVolumeInformation --
> we call IoGetRelatedDeviceObject instead of IoGetRelatedTargetDevice,
> because the function was missing.
> Good job!
> Best regards,
> Alex Ionescu
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