Thomas Weidenmueller wrote:
magnus(a) wrote:
I do not trust the ekush project at all.
I have never heard that ekush source should be merge to reactos cvs.
it was news to me, and do not feel confort with that. For I misstrust
the ehuks project.
I do not know what other feel about it
I agree, that is just untrue. No one of the ReactOS project ever agreed
to merge anything. My personal opinion is just to let these guys drop. I
don't want to see a single line of code of "their" project merged into
our repository, for several reasons:
1. The lied about the origin of the code base claiming it was their's,
including unlawful copyright misrepresentation
2. They shipped pirated and hacked binaries from
Microsoft in their
3. They haven't ever released any source code
4. Because they did the previous 3 things, I don't
trust them at all.
Who knows if they even used leaked sources from M$?
A "Bet your A$$" PING!
I doubt that even if there was the slightest piece of
trust and we were
sure about "clean" sources they have, it would be worth co-operating
with them at all.
Whatever happens, I'm going to vote against co-operating with those
morons and also against merging any stuff into our code base.
My 2 cents...
I vote to stay away from "those morons" too!