I am sorry to point out that our devs (no pointing out) still fail to do something as simple as observing their commit on buildbot if it causes any problem. I`m not even talking about things more complicated, like not commiting again without first checking if previous commit was built fine. Also, devs do not check trunk status before commiting, they often commit when tree build is broken. All of this makes subsequent testing considerably harder, taking more time and let me remind you that we still have less active testers than active devs. This is just an example, straight off my mind. If we cant have such little, easy details sorted out, we cannot have an outgoing battle for trunk stability, as this value does not seem to be in any regard amongst ReactOS devs.


2010/10/11 Ged Murphy <gedmurphy@gmail.com>

A stable trunk should be an ongoing battle, not something reserved for release time.

There shouldn’t be more than a weeks worth of release work required (the release itself is no more than a few hours work).

Anything which jeopardises this should be done in a branch.




It’s a tried and proven method used in most large open source projects and reactos is no exception

